Feast While You Fast

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It's the end of the month and time to introduce my recently concocted challenge to food bloggers far and wide. 
You may have noticed if your a regular reader that a few new pages have cropped up alongside the usual home page, one of which is entitled rather optimistically "Feasting While Fasting". A quick look at my 5:2 fast diet friendly recipes and you'll see that I don't accept meagre portions even when I'm restricted to calories.

I like the feeling of being full, satisfied and satiated and if that can be done in around 300 calories then there's a lesson that's worth learning! What I've found though is that the number of recipes out there, whilst growing, still have a way to go. So I'm opening up what I hope will in time be floodgates that will soon burst forth with inspiration, the plan being to build up a helpful catalogue for anyone out there thinking of embarking on this crazy-sounding but actually eminently sensible way of living and eating. 

So what's the challenge..?

The rules are set out here in full.

In a nutshell, each month I will choose a theme. It might be a type of meal, an ingredient, a dietary requirement, something else that's taken my fancy... With that theme in mind, all you need to do is come up with a recipe that works for the 5:2 diet (i.e. within the 500/600 cal daily limit). If you want to read more about 5:2 then click here. 

You then have until the 23rd of the month to pop me an email with your submission (details on the challenge page).

At the end of the month I shall compile all the recipes together in a post with any pictures I'm sent and retweet anything on twitter which includes @bctinykitchen and #feastingwhilefasting that I see. I will also pin entries to Pintrest. 

And what's the theme for July???

Drum roll please... the first theme is...


Not necessarily the easiest choice but this is a challenge after all... cheese is something we tend to associate with those naughty 5 days out of 7 but give it a go and you might find that you pleasantly surprise yourself.

I hope you enjoy the challenge and are tempted to join in, fingers crossed this ends up being a useful resource for those following 5:2. 


  1. I love the idea, Lucy, and I will join in - but not this month, nor next, as I'm off o the UK to teach in summer school. I don't think I'll be 5:2-ing there, but I will have a coupe of days when I'm careful!!

  2. Pleased to have you invovled any time!


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