A wonderful gift for a new home... preserved lemons

It's always good to have a recipe on hand that makes a fantastic (and not to mention inexpensive) gift, and when it's ridiculously quick and easy to make, well that's even better!

My little brother moved this week, he and his girlfriend have found a flat in Bristol so he's swapping the countryside of Devon for the (relatively) big city. It's their first place together so every man and his his dog has been offering them their old junk (seems to be a right of passage when people get proper grown-up houses). Not to be out done, Ed and I have put together a pile of linen that would have been bound for the charity shop and some unwanted cutlery and tomorrow we're headed over the Severn Bridge with our haul to see their new abode.

The thing is, as useful as our cast off's are I didn't want to turn up without something special for them. So I've made them some preserved lemons and in the morning the plan is to whip up some Chilli and Coriander Chutney, and stout bread. To be honest though, if we end up sleeping in it won't be the end of the world; I for one would be delighted to receive this jar of chilli flecked, salty, sour and sweet lemons on it's own.

Easy Homemade Gift Recipe: Preserved Lemons

3 Unwaxed Lemons (It's really important that they are unwaxed, if they're not then immerse the lemons in boiling water and then rub the wax off the skins with kitchen towel).

3 1/2 Tablespoons Coarse Sea Salt

2 Teaspoons Chilli Flakes

Juice from 4-6 Lemons

1. Sterilise the jar you are going to use. I do this by filling it with boiling hot water for a minute or so.

Cut the 3 unwaxed lemons length ways in a cross shape so that you have cut them almost into 4 segments - but leave them all a little attached at one end.

2. Now take a tablespoon of salt and put it into the space between the cuts for each lemon.

3. Fit all the lemons snugly into the sterilised jar and top with the chilli flakes and remaining salt.

4. Top the lemons with the lemon juice, make sure that they are all covered.

And that's it. Leave them for 4-6 weeks before you use them. They can be stored in the cupboard until opened but then they'll need to be popped into the fridge.

They are fantastic with cous-cous salads, tagines, on roasted Quorn (or chicken if you eat meat) and paired with sweet dried fruit such as apricots they are incredible.

What's more, they make such a lovely and pretty unique present, you'll certainly be invited back again!
